Xia Zhou (周侠)

zhouxia_icsr [at] zju [dot] edu [dot] cn
xiazhouzero [at] gmail [dot] com

I am currently a six-year PhD candidate studying at the School of Cyber Science and Technology in Zhejiang University, where I am advised by Prof. Yajin Zhou. My research interests span applying hardware-assisted isolation techniques to monolithic system software and improve its security and resilience.

Feel free to reach me out through email.


  • OPEC: Operation-based Security Isolation for Bare-metal Embedded Systems
    Xia Zhou, Jiaqi Li, Wenlong Zhang, Yajin Zhou, Wenbo Shen, Kui Ren
    In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Systems, 2022. (EuroSys 2022)
  • [paper] [code]

  • PESC: A Per System-Call Stack Canary Design for Linux Kernel
    Jiadong Sun, Xia Zhou, Wenbo Shen, Yajin Zhou, Kui Ren
    In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, 2020. (CODASPY 2020)
  • [paper] [PESC x86_64] [PESC arm64]

Honors & Awards

  • Award of Honor for Graduate in 2018-2019, ZJU, 2019
  • Outstanding Graduate of Sichuan University, SCU, 2017
  • Dingliang Scholarship in 2016-2017, SCU, 2017
  • Third Prize in National College Student Information Security Contest, 2017
  • Tongxin Scholarship in 2014-2015, SCU, 2015

Teaching Experience

  • TA for Operating System (for UG, 2020 Fall)
  • TA for Introduction to Cyber Science (for UG, 2020 Spring, 2021 Spring)
  • TA for Wireless and IoT Security (for UG, 2018 Fall, 2019 Fall, 2021 Summer)


  • Artifact Evaluation Committee: USENIX Security (2023|2024), EuroSys (2024)